Goals For this Site

Ideally I would like to have a scheduled routine of when posts are published, but I feel it would be unfair to make promises when this is all so new to me. Instead of a promise, I will generally state that my eventual goal is to post once a week.

I would love to post as many things as possible as quickly as I can, but having a schedule is important. Setting expectations and ensuring that there is still content published if something unexpected occurs helps ease the stress of this new hobby of mine.

On this site I hope to demonstrate how I have saved time and energy on tasks that don’t actually require as much effort as originally assumed. I’m sure there will be days I decide to share very simple ideas, but each improvement saves time, and that is the goal. Continuous improvement builds upon itself until the overall progress is bigger than you could have initially imagined.

I’m excited to document what has helped me, and look forward to learning new things as I continue my journey to solve for slow.

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