
Mass E-mails with Microsoft Forms

I deal with lots of data. Constantly reviewing, auditing, and analyzing things to ensure costs are minimized and usage controlled. Part of this process includes notifying individuals and groups of errors or issues that have been encountered. This can be time consuming depending on the issues that are found. A one-minute task for an individual…

Goals For this Site

Ideally I would like to have a scheduled routine of when posts are published, but I feel it would be unfair to make promises when this is all so new to me. Instead of a promise, I will generally state that my eventual goal is to post once a week. I would love to post…

In the Beginning…

Inefficiencies are everywhere. Tolerated because of tradition. I’ve grown tired of doing things the way they’ve always been done, and am searching for better ways to accomplish them. While on this journey, I hope to find ways to always improve. My solution one day may not be the best way out there, but that means…